We Love our Local Businesses
We are tremendously grateful for the generosity of our community. Please thank our partners with your patronage!
Blue Card Partners
Look for the Blue Card Boosters sign in participating vendors’ windows. There is no physical card this year.
Support our Blue card sponsors – Click on this bar to see the list of discounts and deals here!
THEATRE OF WESTERN SPRINGS Buy one ticket, get one ticket FREE. 708.246.3380
THE IN-HOME TUTOR 1st hour free (part of a 10-hour package) +10% of all Tutoring $$ back to LTHS Boosters. 708-774-0822

KING KEYSER – Ski/Snowboard Shop – $5 off purchase of $50 or more regular priced merchandise Hinsdale 630.323.4320
KIRSCHBAUM’S BAKERY Free ¼ lb of Tea Cookies with every $30 purchase Western Springs. 708.246.2894
VILLAGE TRUE VALUE HARDWARE $5 off purchase of $50 or more Western Springs. 708.246.0892
FULLER’S CAR WASH $2 off any full-service car wash (Not valid with other discounts) Countryside. 708.482.7888
J. BENAK SERVICE $5 off oil change Western Springs. 708.246.4813
HOUSE OF COLOR 10% off all framing services Countryside. 708.352.3222
THE DAILEY METHOD Free Class A $20 value (One-Time Offer) LaGrange. 708.482.1055
ELEMENTS MASSAGE $69 intro 1-hour massage for new clients only Western Springs. 708.505.4513
HEATHER & VINE – Floral Design – 10% off all purchases 6960 Wolf Rd. Indian Head Park. 708.246.6661
Offers expire 11/30/2021 | BLUE CARD 2020-21. NOT VALID WITH OTHER SALES OR PROMOTIONS. Other store restrictions may apply.

Gold Card Partners

Trivia Night Sponsors
Become an LTHS Trivia Night Roaring Supporter by donating $50 to the PTC and Boosters to help us support LTHS co-curriculars, programs and events.