Proud… Like a Lion!
Our Mission
LT Boosters is a not-for-profit, volunteer, parent organization that raises funds to celebrate and support educational, social, athletic and performing arts activities at Lyon Township High School.
What We Do
Through the generosity of members and supporters, LT Boosters impacts the lives of countless students each year. Extracurricular activities are a vital part of the exceptional experience offered at Lyons Township High School.
Our Fundraisers
LT Boosters fosters the wonderful spirit of the LT community through fundraisers and special events. All funds raised go directly to LT students through scholarships and grants. Our primary fundraisers include:
- Booster Wear sales online and at select school events
- Membership passes
- Blue, Gold and Restaurant community cards
- Trivia Night

The Board
Board participation offers a rewarding opportunity to support a wide variety of LT activities and meet other dedicated community members and parents. Interested individuals are encouraged to attend a meeting to learn more.
Meetings are generally held on the second Tuesday of each month, August through May at 7pm at South Campus. Contact LTBoostersPres@gmail for more info.
Our directors: Fletch Adams, Anne Avants, Erin Evans, Angie Fekrat, Chris Grech, Katherine Hillmann, Lupe McKeehan, Miguel Mosqueda, John O’Halloran, Monica Pavlik, Peggy Rentz, Julie Rehor, Mary Rockrohr, Kim Sauvageau, Gina Sirchio-Lotus, Kara Sugarman, Kate Townsend, Lena Walent, Andre Wolosewicz.
FY23-24 Officers
Angie Fekrat, President
OPEN, Vice President
Mary Rockrohr, Secretary
Peggy Rentz, Treasurer